ABOUT Data Analysis
With data and information as the most strategic asset of a business, the underlying challenge that organizations have today is understanding and using their data to positively affect change within the business. Businesses continue to struggle to use their data in a meaningful and productive way, which impacts their ability to act
Sample Analysis
- Scenario Understanding
- Data Understanding
- Data Analysis
- Getting Insights
- Story Telling
Scenario Understanding
Let us consider a situation where we need to analyse the mark statement.Analysis start with understanding the business. Here the business is all about academic performance of the students.In real time when ever a mark statement is generated normally we used to do certain analysis.Let start our analysis by splitting in to two categories.
- Students Perspective
- Staff Prespective
Teaching Staff always look in to overall performance starting from top performer to poor performer. The type of analysis they perform are
- Topper in all subjects
- Topper in individual subjects
- Bucketing the students in to tiers
- Average performance of the class
- Average performance in individual subjects
Students perspective usually the topper "To get a success party from the winner ☻"
- topper among the friends circle
- Number of failures
Data Understanding
By looking in to the data one can observe the following.
Click To Explore Data
- Seven variables with fifty observations. Totally 7 X 50 entries usually the data size.
- No missing data
- Dimensions -student name
- Measures - Subject Mark
Getting Insights
Getting Insights involves getting hidden information
- By looking in to the data we can see that given data has student name and marks scored by the student in each subject.
- We find from our data we have two columns math and mathematics. The data provider says that the math represents actually the marks of English it is a typo error at the time of entry.Let us make the said correction in power BI using transform data option.
- Topper in all subjects-measure total marks.