ABOUT Data Analysis

With data and information as the most strategic asset of a business, the underlying challenge that organizations have today is understanding and using their data to positively affect change within the business. Businesses continue to struggle to use their data in a meaningful and productive way, which impacts their ability to act

Sample Analysis

Scenario Understanding

Let us consider a situation where we need to analyse the mark statement.Analysis start with understanding the business. Here the business is all about academic performance of the students.In real time when ever a mark statement is generated normally we used to do certain analysis.Let start our analysis by splitting in to two categories.

Teaching Staff always look in to overall performance starting from top performer to poor performer. The type of analysis they perform are

Students perspective usually the topper "To get a success party from the winner ☻"

Data Understanding

By looking in to the data one can observe the following.

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Getting Insights

Getting Insights involves getting hidden information